We're Devoted to Dogs 
Committed to Owners! 


Program Guide for Companion Dogs

Head Start Obedience

Head Start Obedience (2 Weeks)

All Breeds - 5 months of age & older

In the obedience program we teach and develop basic commands and introduce the electronic collar. The initial commands include heel, whoa, come, come around, off, ok and kennel. We begin with simple obedience sessions in a basic yard or indoor area. Then gradually add additional distractions as dogs are ready. Our techniques help teach consistency with commands in real life situations and develop a confident young dog.

Companion Dog Program

Companion Dog Program (2-8 weeks)

For all breeds – 5 months of age and older. This program is designed to develop the best behaved pet at home, at the dog park or while traveling. In this program we teach and reinforce obedience commands for family dogs.

These programs are designed for dogs of all breeds, various ages and purposes. They give owners some basic guidelines of what to expect. We customize each program to meet the specific needs of you and your dog.

Specialized Training

Specialized Training

We can also customize a program to meet your specific needs. This may include problems like: jumping on people, chasing cars, manners around children, ect. We can put together a program to teach any single item or list of items that may need to be addressed to improve your dog as a companion.